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 The company was established in July 2001 in Dasi town Taoyuan County, Taiwan, first established mainly based measurement software development; after 2003, combining software applications and hardware manufacturers into a formal electronic measurement equipment design and production; and in 2004 successfully developed the first LED dedicated constant current power supply; in order to better serve customers, …
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The difference between hot and cold i…

Water-cooled thermal shock chambers: shocks me now commonly used cooling will be more, because with a water-cooled cooling towers and heat will be better, so the next customer where space permits, or refer the proposed w…

The need for proper use of the thermal shock test chamb… 06/30
Development of new concepts equipment industry 06/30
How high and low temperature impact test chamber device… 06/30
Jeasins programmable temperature and humidity control s… 06/30
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